
ANZ had developed a comprehensive expense report that any customer could download to better understand their spending habits. Our job was to encourage ANZ customers to download it and check out theirs.


Confronting your spending behaviour is a daunting idea for just about anyone. So how do you get people to voluntarily check in on theirs?


It’s the small purchases that fly under the radar everyday which take your budget most by surprise.


Don’t focus on everything Your Money Report tells you. Just make people curious enough to find out what their ‘little-big’ purchases are.


People don’t realise saving money comes with small hidden ‘frienemies’ along the way. Your Money Report reveals exactly who yours are.

Meet ‘Spenemies’; cute and cheeky personifications of Australia’s most common sneaky purchases. From the third latte of the day or that subscription we don’t need, we brought Spenemies to life with the help of internet famous animator, Sam Cotton.

Not only did these little characters make the report feel more accessible, it created a genuinely engaging content series along the way that the bank are keen to bring back again for another round.


  • Exceeded campaign views and Your Money Report download benchmarks.

  • 69% of customers who downloaded the report said they felt more confident managing their money.

  • Received genuine love from customers - many calling out how unbank like it felt.


How I made a difference.

I was the strategic lead. I listened to testimonials of people who trialed the report and discovered that everybody had at least one merchant in their top spenders that took them by surprise (most of the time, this was Uber Eats). This gave us the direction to not focus on everything the report tells you (too overwhelming), but instead, make people curious enough to discover what sneaky purchase was flying under their radar.


Missed Birthdays


Total Package